Thank you to all the wonderful people who hired me to be their photographer this year, you all are truly a blessing! I have completely enjoyed every second I was holding my camera this year, I was surrounded by wonderful brides & grooms, amazing couples and some down-right adorable couples. I am so excited to begin another journey in the photography world, the journey to go pro! Thank you all for following me as I follow my dreams. 


I have been completely MIA for the past few months, between moving, health issues and working with another company I totally blanked my own blog! Hopefully I am back to stay. I have begun booking a few “big” weddings the past few weeks and I am preparing for a very special 3rd year family photo session with some wonderful clients. Life is looking up, heck, life is great! I am excited to share my progress with you all and continue to upload photos to the blog…they always look way better here than on Facebook.

Couple things new with me? We added two new members to our fur baby family. We are now a family of 7! 3 cute kitty-cats and two adorable puppers.  Below is my cutie-pie honey bunch LADY! She is a pure bred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and the new love of my life. Ruby, adorable and floppy ears…what could be better? And then we added wittle Trixie, our black rescue kitten. This is her most recent photo, and yes- her eyes can terrify you or amaze you.

I get asked this all the time, “What should we wear, that isn’t white and khaki?”…well here is a google image/pintrest collage of some of my favorite matching but not “too matching” outfits for family portraits!   Also, a little off topic but one of my favorite websites to find cute outfits if it its just you and your hubby is DisneyBound. They make some fabulous outfits to match Disney characters and events, and some of these outfits are TOO cute!


I am a full time Nanny to, two of the most beautiful children on earth; I am a little biased, if you couldn’t tell. I watch them about 4 days every week and love every moment of it, give or take a few moments. There are so many beautiful things about a baby, the way they smell, the smiles and little evil laughs. I swear Madison understands me better than her two year old brother. Over the past few weeks, she has become quite the little character, and I wanted to slow time down a little bit and hopefully bring a smile to her parents face.


It must be AMAZING to be this young. A simple gurgling noise makes you laugh out loud, you get all the hugs, attention and love any person could want and your always cute no matter what you do! 🙂  Yay Maddie ❤


Jason and Caitlin are two of the cutest people I have ever seen get married! In all their photos, they both are just gushing with smiles and laughter. I just love it! They had a very intimate ceremony off of the Punta Gorda shore, just as the sun was setting. Unfortunately I had to use a lot of flash, which I hate to do, but I think their photos came out beautiful. You couldn’t ask for a prettier backdrop! We also had some time to mess around with my 50mm, which I normally don’t use at weddings, at least for the posed photos…I think I am going to have to start!

Thank you Jason and Caitlin for the wonderful time and being able to capture your romantic wedding! Best wishes to you both! Hope you make it to Ireland for that honeymoon! ❤

It was a complete surprise to me, and just about everyone when my Uncle Tim decided to get married while on vacation in Florida. I was super excited too,  a romantic-sunset wedding on Fort Myers Beach…what could go wrong? Although there aren’t that many photos, it only took about two hours between the beach and reception location to get these shots. I hope that they are able to cherish these photographs for the rest of their lives and I was so thankful to be part of the event. The sunset was perfect, I love the lighter colors and creamy background; and the couple couldn’t stop smiling!


Congrats Uncle Tim and now Aunt Tracy!

Brandy and Ben.

What good can you not say about Brandy and Ben? NOTHING. From the moment I met them to look over my portfolio, I automatically like them. What’s not to like about two people, happily in love and easy going? I was estatic when they signed the contract and hired me to be their wedding photographer. Although they didn’t need any engagement shots, I was very happy to be doing their wedding.

When I arrived at The Plantation in Fort Myers, where I have previously shot a wedding before, I was thrilled. It is beautiful, elegant and wide open. Brandy was doing her make up, running late as most brides do. You want to look so perfect on your wedding day there are a 100o extra things you do on that day, that are not ever planned.  From every detail of her wedding, the bouquet (handmade by her mother in law), place cards, cake and dress….it was enchanting. I wish I could have seen the beautiful decorations before my own wedding! I was in love. A gorgeous wedding is an understatement. I couldn’t stop telling Brandy and Ben how much I loved it!

I hope that you enjoy seeing their ceremony photos and few detail shots. I will be adding more of the very funny-cake in the face shots! Those are my favorite. Congrats Ben and Brandy! Wishing you a happy, healthy and long life together as a married couple. ❤

Holli and her kids were so great to work with. Not only beautiful but so funny! We were laughing the whole photoshoot 🙂 It makes a perfect photoshoot when you meet a family as fun and energetic as them. I

was a blessed photographer for sure!