I have been completely MIA for the past few months, between moving, health issues and working with another company I totally blanked my own blog! Hopefully I am back to stay. I have begun booking a few “big” weddings the past few weeks and I am preparing for a very special 3rd year family photo session with some wonderful clients. Life is looking up, heck, life is great! I am excited to share my progress with you all and continue to upload photos to the blog…they always look way better here than on Facebook.

Couple things new with me? We added two new members to our fur baby family. We are now a family of 7! 3 cute kitty-cats and two adorable puppers.  Below is my cutie-pie honey bunch LADY! She is a pure bred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and the new love of my life. Ruby, adorable and floppy ears…what could be better? And then we added wittle Trixie, our black rescue kitten. This is her most recent photo, and yes- her eyes can terrify you or amaze you.