Archives for category: Children and Babies

I love my little Conner man! My best friends son is a year old, and I swear it flew by! 🙂 Isn’t he a little stud muffin?

I will forever love photographing children. It has to be in my blood or something because nothing makes me happier than capturing that one little smirk, sneeze or giggle. Especially on a beautiful baby! Babysitting Madison and Cody is pretty much some of my favorite parts of my week-Cody keeps me on my toes and laughing, Maddie makes me smile and just melts my heart. It wasn’t hard to get photos of two adorable babies! I am welcoming you and myself into the world of natural light, it is an amazing thing.

It was such a pleasure getting to do little Haley’s newborn photos. She is such a gorgeous little girl and she modeled my headbands!

I had a wonderful time this morning at Lakes Park, Fort Myers with the Bell family. Their beautiful daughter Sarah is officially 2 years old! I was so excited to capture her morning. From walking around the blossom garden, playing on the swings and slides or owning the water park: Sarah is a doll. I hope these photos are something to cherish forever Bell family!

My niece was the perfect subject with her curly pigtails. Children are wonderful models, no matter what they do its cute. Children shoots are only $45 a hour for the month of January!

Hannah did an amazing job modeling in a Cape Coral park. I loved her thick brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, and she was great in front the camera!