Archives for category: Engagement

Amy and Ben where great at their engagement shoot in Bonita Springs. The park inside their homes community was gorgeous! Pillars, vines and green-green grass. What more could I ask for? The sun was setting and the romance began instantly. They are indeed a perfect match. So excited for your wedding! 

Ashley, Ted and little Jackson were just perfect for their downtown shoot! Leslie and I had a blast walking through the historic district of Fort Myers and shooting their photos. From Jackson Street to Centennial Park, it was a great time. The sunset was beautiful and the weather was perfect. From our hearts to yours, CONGRATS on your engagement!!!

James and Heidi were just fantastic! A super adorable couple, that were up for anything and everything for our shoot downtown. So excited for the future wedding in March and all the great times to be had. It was a very fun shoot and I know they will love their photos as much as I do! The sun was setting just perfectly and the fountain in the heart of Downtown was on, everything went according to plan. Congratulations James and Heidi!