Cristina and Kenneth are very special people; fun, loving and so perfect together. I was looking forward to doing their wedding photos since their engagement photo shoot. They are both so great in front of the camera, and so creative. Cristina made the coolest DIY wedding bouquets and cake toppers! I was so amazed. Every single aspect of their wedding was beautiful and touching.

Congrats Cristina and Kenneth!


I love my little Conner man! My best friends son is a year old, and I swear it flew by! 🙂 Isn’t he a little stud muffin?

Indoor photos can be so much fun, especially when you have an awesome little sister like me. If I have had the wonderful privilege of photographing your family; you have probably already met her. Leslie is amazing with the camera, she is smart and fast and knows exactly how to capture flattering angles and natural smiles.

Here is what she captured of me! My red lipstick, pearl bitting, white wall wonderland!

I love this little girl! Abby and Matthew’s pride and joy. I hope you enJOY her photos! My first newborn portaits with only flash. I love the little white and pink feathers, and her binky!

I will forever love photographing children. It has to be in my blood or something because nothing makes me happier than capturing that one little smirk, sneeze or giggle. Especially on a beautiful baby! Babysitting Madison and Cody is pretty much some of my favorite parts of my week-Cody keeps me on my toes and laughing, Maddie makes me smile and just melts my heart. It wasn’t hard to get photos of two adorable babies! I am welcoming you and myself into the world of natural light, it is an amazing thing.